Sunday, March 31, 2013

Random thoughts.

Sometimes I really feel stupid for being this excited over a small app, but, here is another day of figures.

      Just waiting my week, for the next release.  With the search term SEO, I expect a huge change in sales rates.

Right now, up above.. I have a graph, and that graph shows some really crappy numbers.  At this payment rate I won't even be able to pay to re-license my software from my development efforts next year.  According to that graph, $481.8 is what my company will make in a year, at $1.32 a day on average.  That doesn't even count tax cost and that assumes that I'll have the same download rate.

It paints a disturbing picture, if it stays at this level.  So my only goal, is to change that picture.  To get more apps out, and more features.   I need to do releases that have great SEO on the Store.  So that I have multiple bars, and higher download counts.

Additionally, I have to get more visibility. So I went to the Google Developer Groups page to get myself added to the Supported apps list on the Google Cloud Print page.

Google Cloud Print Developers

I submitted my app for the Xamarin Showcase, not that it will pull any major buying frenzy for me, I think, but hey, more visibility is a good thing.  I have a friend, who is going to do an Android version, using one of my projects already built, that is backwards compatible to API level 4.  Probably put that on the Amazon store for $.99.  I think that store has a higher purchase level than the other Android stores.  People are willing to pay money for apps there, it's kind of like a mesh of Play and IOS in regards to purchases, I'd bet.

I don't have a marketing budget.  Even if I did, usually the bid level for ads that lead to a purchase for mobile apps are higher than the cost of what you make from a $.99 install.  Because I've gone the lowest price tier.. I have no real options and since it is my first app out there, I have to do a lot of the footwork, but because I am going to do that footwork, and because I am willing to put in the time.. it will have a higher payoff than if I took the easy way. Not just in financial rewards, but in personal growth. I guess it all comes back to that.

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